Features “…always find something to thank God for, even if the situation is bad… know that God is sovereign.”

Click to hear how God helped Joshua's mum since she was diagnosed with ruptured aneurysm in early March 2021.

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Features In the operation theatre, I’ve found peace – I believe Jesus was with me.

Joel had to go through 3 corrective surgeries in the times of pandemic due to a serious leg injury. Nevertheless, he is still standing - only by His grace.

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Features Give a man a fish, he will eat for a day; teach a man how to fish, and he will eat for the rest of his days

Melissa recounted her true story of how God has given her the opportunity to dream big - bigger and deeper - even when an important door was closed, and dreams seemed shattered.

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Acts e-Newsletter Acts 电子简报 (2021年7月版)

#Homesiswhereibelong #我在Homes找到归宿 #KitaJagaKita

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Acts Replay Acts Replay (June 2021 Edition)

Here's what has been happening in Acts Church in June 2021.

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Features Homes is where we worship and heal

#HomesIsWhereIbelong #KitaJagaKita

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Features Homes is a space of encouragement

#HomesIsWhereIbelong #KitaJagaKita

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Features Homes is for everyone!

#HomesIsWhereIbelong #KitaJagaKita

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