Category: Acts e-Newsletter

Acts e-Newsletter Acts 电子简报 (2023年1月版): 天国掌权

守望者既然吩咐要留下树根的余干,所以,等到你承认上天的至高者是掌权的,你的国就必再归给你。- 但以理书 4:26

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Acts e-Newsletter Acts e-Newsletter January 2023 Issue

“...your kingdom shall be assured to you, after you come to know that Heaven rules.” Daniel 4:26

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Acts e-Newsletter Acts 电子简报 (2022年9月版)

祝大家独立日快乐, 祝大家马来西亚日快乐!

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Acts e-Newsletter Acts e-Newsletter (September 2022 Issue)

Selamat Hari Merdeka, Selamat Hari Malaysia!

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Acts e-Newsletter Acts 电子简报 (2022年8月版)


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Acts e-Newsletter Acts e-Newsletter (August 2022 Issue)

With faith, there can be dreams. With dreams, there can be hope. And with hope, there can be life.

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Acts e-Newsletter Acts 电子简报 (2022年7月版)


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Acts e-Newsletter Acts e-Newsletter (July 2022 Issue)

With God and good friends, we can finish the work

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