29 June 2021   -  Features

Homes is for everyone!

One of the Homes leaders, Xin Wei posted a fun meme on Instagram to invite anyone following her on IG, who might be a pre-believer or a total stranger to join the online Homes.

3 people responded – 2 showed up – and one of them who is a pre-believer requested for prayer at the end. She later texted to say how comforting it was for her to join Homes, and that she learnt so much about the Holy Spirit.

Homes 是给每一个人的。

我们的其中一位 Homes 领袖, Xin Wei 在她自己的 Instagram 放了一张有趣的图片来邀请所有追踪她 Instagram 的人来参与 Homes,这很可能会是个未信徒或是一个完全陌生的人来参与线上 Homes。 当时有 3个人回应了 – 当天有2个人出现 – 其中一个还是未信徒,并且在结束前发起了祈祷要求。 她后来发简讯说,她加入 Homes 是多么的舒适,她学到了很多有关圣灵的东西。

~Rachel Ann Thong