30 August 2021   -  Features

Reaching the people of Myanmar

We came in contact through the churches in Subang Jaya a community of Myanmarese refugees in USJ 8 last year April during the first MCO. We reconnected with them again this year, and since June, we have been providing monthly provisions to them.
在去年4月份第一次的 MCO 期间,我们透过 Subang Jaya 的教会接触了在 USJ 8 的缅甸难民社群。今年我们再次与他们联系,自六月份以来,我们每个月都为他们提供了每个月的必需品。

The latest was on in early August, together with 12 volunteers, we bought and distributed provisions for 27 households. On top of food, we also provided children’s diapers and feminine hygiene products.

Here’s what one of the volunteers shares…

David Cheah

Relocated back to Malaysia and joined Acts with his family last year
去年才刚搬回马来西亚,并与家人加入了 Acts 教会

What made you do what you did? 是什么让你做了你所做的事?

I was actively involved with my previous church’s community outreach programmes. On one occasion, I came to know that our Homes Leaders Kuan Cheen, has been involved in the church’s food distribution, and I wanted to be involved so I indicated to him my interest.

我曾经和积极地参与我以前的教会的社区外展计划。在一次偶然的机会下,我从 Homes 领袖冠君得知他有份参与在教会的食物分配工作,我也想参与其中,所以我向他表达了我的兴趣。

What did you learn from this? How did this experience change your outlook of our current situation in pandemic? 从中你学到了什么?这一次的经历如何改变了你对目前疫情的看法?

I truly believe that God has blessed us to be a blessing, and He has placed us where we are to be able to help those in need, especially those of us of the same faith.


What is God saying to you now? 神现在对你说了些什么?

Even though personally, I am still in the midst of looking for employment since my return, I believe every person have something that they can offer to help the community regardless of their situation, especially, in this time of the pandemic. So, I am grateful to have this opportunity to be involved. Although it was just a short one, I believe that every moment is a God given opportunity for us to change or touch lives, no matter how little it seems, we just need to have faith and patience and trust that it bear fruit one day.

尽管就我个人而言,自打我归国以来,我仍然处在寻找工作当中,但我相信每个人都可以帮助这个社群,无论他们的状况如何,特别是在疫情的这个时候。 所以我很感恩有这个机会能参与其中。 即便是很短暂,但我相信这每一刻都是神给我们改变或帮助生命的机会,无论它看起来是多么的渺小,我们只需要有信心和耐心,相信总有一天它会结出果实。

#loveyourneighbour #community #actscentral #actssubang #missions #hurthealhope #VolunteerStory