I joined one of the Homes in my flock one night as the leaders needed some encouragement and guidance with the word. Homies were not so responsive and I sensed a certain downness in the atmosphere. I decided to lead them into a time of prayer and encouragement, and towards the end, I got them into breakout rooms to pray for each other.
One girl later shared how the Holy Spirit reminded her of a Scripture and that Word encouraged the rest! Towards the end of Homes, we could feel a change of atmosphere, those who didn’t switch on the camera, started to switch it on!
So good to see how God is moving in our Homes, and to create that space of encouragement for each other!
Homes 是个互相鼓励与扶持的空间。
有一晚我参与了我群里的其中一个 Homes ,因为那个 Homes 的领袖在教导上需要一些鼓励和帮助。 起初,Homes 成员们的回应并不是很理想,我也感受到了当晚低靡的氛围。我决定带领他们进入一个祈祷和鼓励的时间,到最后,我让他们分别到不同的小房间里来为彼此祈祷。之后,其中一位女生分享了圣灵提醒她的一段经文,而这段经文也鼓励了在场的每一位!在 Homes 结束前,我们能感受到氛围的转变,那些没有打开摄像的,也开始打开了!很高兴能看见神在我们的 Homes 当中运行,并且为彼此创造了一个鼓励的空间!
~ Pr Gloria Paul