In our homes, we’re privileged to have auntie Ah Leng and auntie Annie – they’re sisters living together. Since the start of Movement Control Order (MCO) in Malaysia, Homies have been looking out for them. During the first MCO, one Homie helped to download a few Apps and taught them how to do online banking, as well as teaching them how to buy groceries online. Another Homie helped with their road tax and insurance renewal as they couldn’t get it done at the post office. Recently, their kitchen cabinets were infested with termites. Another Homie went over to their house to check and apply some home remedy with vinegar. We will also be arranging for a pest exterminator to check on their house as soon as the MCO is over – this will be financed through a love gift collected from the various Homes anchoring Acts Klang. As their ballet school business has been hit by MCO, they started selling home-baked cookies and buns. Homies helped to design and print sticker labels. They were really touched by the gestures shown by various Homies, and they told us that they really thank God for Acts Church. They were also very touched to see that the younger people could take care of the older ones, and be an example to the older ones too.
“Everyone should join a Homes.”
“Everyone should join a Homes.” – Those were their heartfelt words.
Fun fact: They have also learned to catch up with technology and now know how log into Zoom to connect with the Homies!
* Homes = one of the small groups in Acts Church
** Homie = Homes member
Homes 是伸出援手帮助有需要的人。
我们非常荣幸有 auntie Ah Leng 和 auntie Annie 在我们的家庭小组里面 – 她们是住在一起的姐妹。自从马来西亚开始实施行动管制令 (MCO),Homes 成员们一直在照看着他们。 在第一次的行动管制令期间,其中一位 Homes 成员协助她们下载几个手机软件,并且教导她们如何使用线上转账,甚至还教她们如何线上购买日用品。另一位 Homes 成员则帮助他们更新汽车路税和保险,因为她们不能去到邮政局处理。 最近,在她们的厨房橱柜里到处都是白蚁。另一个小组成员就去到了她们家检查并且使用食醋来改善问题。我们也计划在行动管制令结束后尽快地安排了白蚁专家去检查她们的房子 – 这次的开销也是由几个扎根在 Acts Klang 的 Homes 小组所奉献的爱心基金来支付。随着她们芭蕾舞学校的生意受到行动管制令的影响后,他们开始销售自制的饼干和面包。Homes 成员也帮忙设计和打印商标贴纸。 她们真的被每一位 Homes 成员关爱的举动打动了,她们也告诉我们,她们非常感谢神有 Acts 教会。看到年轻人能如此照顾年长者,她们非常地感动,这也成为了年长者的榜样。
“每个人都应该加入 Homes。”
“每个人都应该加入 Homes。” – 这是她们的由衷之言。 还有:她们也学习赶上了科技,现在已经懂得如何登陆 Zoom 来跟 Homes 成员交流了!
* Homes = Acts 教会里其中一种小组
~Jessica Martin