01 November 2021   -  Features

God can turn this pandemic into blessings and opportunities

Samuel Yap 叶仲浩

My journey as an e-hailing driver during Covid-19

I am an e-hailing driver. When the first lockdown came upon us, my income was badly affected. At that time, many people were afraid to go out. I was too. Not long after the lockdown, the e-hailing company open up food delivery opportunities to their drivers. At first, I was skeptical whether I can cover the petrol cost for cars through that channel. It also means increasing my chance of getting infected.


Then, I was reminded by how Holy Spirit led me to start this e-hailing career in 2018.

“And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for you serve the Lord Christ.” - Colossians 3:23-2

I encouraged myself that when I do my work heartily to the Lord, I will be ok. At that time, Pr Kenneth shared a message on giving God our continuous worship and prayers. So, I did just that. I found peace and courage to go forward. It was better than sitting at home without any income.

At first, the channel didn’t bring in much income. I was still battling the fear of contracting the virus. Nevertheless, I’d play worship songs in my car every day and focus on God’s word rather than the pandemic. I experiencing the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding!

“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” - Philippians 4:6-7

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”- Joshua 1:9 ‪

These verses gave me the confidence to keep moving forward. His Word has overtaken my anxieties and worries.

After delivering food for a few days, I saw more jobs coming in and at the same time the e-hailing company open up other channels for drivers to deliver groceries and parcels, which means more income opportunities! Driving around during lockdown has a lot of benefits: clear traffic, low fuel price, fare compensation and no commission charges from the e-hailing company. I realise that taking up food delivery had been quite profitable too. I started sharing this to the other fellow e-hailing drivers and one by one, they started coming out to follow suit.


“无论做什么,都要从心里做,像是给主做的,不是给人做的, 24 因你们知道从主那里必得着基业为赏赐;你们所侍奉的乃是主基督。”- ‪歌罗西书‬3:23-24

我鼓励自己说,当我用心为主做事时,我就会好好的。在那个时候,Kenneth 牧师分享了一场信息,鼓励我们要持续以敬拜和祈祷来亲近神。所以,我就照样做了。心中有了一股平安和勇气往前走。这比宅在家里没有收入好得多了。


“应当一无挂虑,只要凡事藉着祷告、祈求,和感谢,将你们所要的告诉 神。神所赐出人意外的平安,必在基督耶稣里保守你们的心怀意念。” - ‪腓立比书‬4:6-7

“我岂没有吩咐你吗?你当刚强壮胆!不要惧怕,也不要惊惶;因为你无论往哪里去,耶和华你的 神必与你同在。“ - 约书亚记‬1:9 



I was led to tithe 20%

One day, after two months of lockdown, I was looking at my bank account and there was access in my account. This was because I don’t have any spending other than food during lockdown. In my heart, I asked God what shall I do with this money and I clearly heard Him said, “Why don’t you put 20% of your earnings into you tithing?”

On that week itself, I obeyed and gave 20% of my income into the tithes and offerings. I experienced God’s blessing within the same day. After the worship service, I started delivering food and by the end of the day, I noticed my half-day income for that day was on par with what I would earn in a day and the earning was the exact amount of my tithe!

I was amazed by God’s goodness. Since then, I realised the power of honouring God with our tithes and had been giving 20% since. I know that the blessing is from the Lord and it is my honour and privilege to give a portion to the His store house.

God is Good. He can turn this pandemic into opportunities and blessing. He wants us to have faith in Him. It is only when we move forward that He opens doors for us. Even during this pandemic, He is still in control.

Keep moving forward!


在同一个星期里,我顺服地把自己赚到的20%作十一奉献给了出去。在同一天,我就经历了神的祝福。敬拜聚会后,我就开工载送食物,收工时, 我惊觉那天半天的收入竟然跟我平时全天的收入数目相似,而且也是我十一奉献的总数!

神的美好实在让我惊叹不已。自从以后,我领悟了尊荣神的力量,也开始奉献20%作我的 ”十一奉献“。我知道这份祝福源自主,我能拨出一部分放进祂的仓库里是我的荣幸。

神的美好实在让我惊叹不已。自从以后,我领悟了尊荣神的力量,也开始奉献20%作我的 ”十一奉献“。我知道这份祝福源自主,我能拨出一部分放进祂的仓库里是我的荣幸。

神是美好的。祂能把疫情转换为机会和祝福。祂要我们相信祂。唯有当我们往前走的时候,祂才会为我们开门。 尽管在疫情中,祂仍然掌权。
