30 August 2021   -  Features

Acts PJ: Coming together to support B40 families

Due to the pandemic and economic constraints, many B40 families aren’t able to sustain themselves and have a need for food supplies. These B40 families were identified through the Petaling Jaya ADUN, who already had a list of families that needed support.
由于疫情和经济限制,非常多 B40 的家庭无法维持下去,需要食物的供应。 这些 B40 的家庭是通过八打灵再也州议员所确认的,他已经有了一份需要支持的家庭名单。

Even though it was lock-down and the church was closed, we still could be salt and light in our community, regardless of our current situation. Hence we started the Acts PJ Community Cheer Project and rallied Homes to come together to support the people in need. We adopted 10 families for a period of 6 months starting in June 2021, and each family is assigned to 1 Homes, which provides a monthly food supply worth RM 100, the Homes will purchase the groceries and they deliver them via Grab/ Lalamove safely to the families.
即使现在处于封城和教会关闭的状态,但是无论我们目前的状况如何,我们仍然能成为我们社区的盐和光。因此我们启动了 Acts PJ 的社区欢乐计划,并召集我们的 Homes 一起来支持有需要的人。从 2021年 6月开始,我们领养了10个家庭,为期6个月。一个家庭交托于一个 Homes,以供应他们一个月价值 RM100 的食物所需,这些负责的 Homes 就会购买日用品并且透过 Grab 或 Lalamove 安全的送到这些家庭的手里。

Here’s what one of the volunteers shares…

Seline Lee

Community Executive a Shelter Home for Children (Malaysia)
A Shelter Home for Children(马来西亚)的社工

What made you do what you did? 是什么推动你做你所做的?

When the project was introduced during Homes, I wasn’t planning to be part of the project. As I worked for an NGO, I thought I had done enough. But the story of the widow’s offering from Luke kept popping into my mind, and I was reminded that the widow gave her all. I then asked myself, “Did I give my all?” The answer was no, so I decided to join the project. Also, I had free time so why not?

当这个计划透过 Homes 介绍的时候,我并不打算参与这个计划。 作为一个在非政府组织里工作的我,我认为我做得已经够多了。但是在路加福音里的那个寡妇的奉献的故事一只出现在我的脑海中,我被提醒那寡妇奉献了她的所有。然后我抚心自问,“我是否已经奉献我的所有?” 答案是否定的,所以我决定参与这个计划。 而且,我有闲余时间,为何不为之呢?

What did you learn from this? How did this experience change your outlook of our current situation in pandemic? 妳從中学到什么?这个经历如何改变了妳对自己在疫情中的境况?

Unity in adversity. Never has our country’s socio-economy been tested such as this, but Malaysians are more united than ever, not just through badminton matches or food wars with neighbouring countries. I see common people standing in the gap, helping fellow Malaysians in need. With a common spirit and resilience, I believe Malaysia can rise above the challenges and bounce back stronger.

逆境中的合而为一。 我们国家的社会经济从未受到过这样的考验,但是马来西亚人比以往任何时候都要团结,不仅仅是通过羽毛球比赛或是跟领过的粮食争战。 我看见很多人站在破口处,帮助那些有需要的马来西亚人。我相信,在共同的精神和坚韧的适应力下,马来西亚可以克服挑战,并且绝地反弹。

What is God saying to you now? 现在,神在跟妳说什么?

“Have you done your best? Have you given your all?” Since being cooped up in the house most of the time, I tend to be contented in my own bubble. These 2 questions have made me re-think and reflect on my decisions. I am also reminded that whatever I do, do it with all my heart for the Lord and not for men.

“你是否已经拼尽全力了? 你奉上你所有了吗?” 自从大多数时间被关在房子里,我已经满足于在自己的泡泡里与世隔绝。这两个问题让我重新思考和反思了我的决定。 我也被提醒说,不管我在做什么,都要全心全意的为主而做,并非为人而做。

#loveyourneighbour #community #actspj #hurthealhope #VolunteerStory