30 September 2021   -  Acts Replay

Acts Replay (September 2021 Edition)

Pr Kenneth and Pr Sandra had the privilege to minister at EPCC’s Revival Weekend and Sunday services! Kenneth 牧师和 Sandra 传道有幸受 EPCC 之邀到为教会的复兴周末和主日事奉!

Acts Kids started their programme in Mandarin for the precious children on 4 September. Share this with your Mandarin-speaking friends and invite their kids to join in this fun and interactive time of learning! Acts Kids 自9月4日为宝贵的孩子们开班了了中文的儿童活动。邀请您朋友的孩子一同来参与这项益处满满的活动!

At the recent SALT (Saturday Acts leadership Training), the leaders of Acts had lots of fun with the games and learnt how to reach out/ support someone who is in distress. 在我们上个月的领袖培训里,Acts 领袖们经历了乐趣无穷的游戏,并也学习了如何有效地扶助那些沮丧的人们。

Did you know that the word “charity” comes from the Latin word ‘caritas’? Caritas means “Christian love of humankind.” Charity is not just about giving money to a good cause, it is the ‘agape’ love that is selfless and committed to others’ well-being. Catch this video that was uploaded on The International Day of Charity (5 September) and find out how you can make the difference. 您可知道英语 “charity” (既: 慈善) 乃是源自拉丁文 “caritas”? 它的意思是 “人类像基督徒般的爱” 。慈善不仅仅代表捐款给某一个需要,而是一种 ‘agape’ 无条件的爱,是一种无私的爱,也是一种完全忠于造福他人的大爱。 邀请您观看这段我们籍9月5日国际慈善日上传的一个视频,看看您如何改变世界。

In conjunction of World Suicide Prevention Day 2021, Acts shared these informative and empowering posts on social media, aiming to help us look out for the people around us! #kitajagakita 籍2021年世界预防自杀日,Acts 在社交平台上传了一系列的资讯,宗旨在于帮助人们更了解如何守望相助,帮助身边有需要的人。#kitajagakita

Pastor Kenneth had a very fruitful lunch time chat with the key leaders about opening physical church, vaccination, money and Israel, amongst other things! Kenneth 牧师与关键领袖们有个非常棒的交流时段 – 分享话题包括开始实体敬拜聚会,疫苗注射,理财,以色列,等等!

Acts anchored another prayer inititative, “The Midnight Cry”, held in conjuction with NECF’s 40-Day Fast & Prayer on 10 Septeber from 11pm to 1am. 9月10日,从晚上11点到临晨1点,Acts 在另一个相应 NECF 40天禁食和祈祷的祈祷活动 “The Mignight Cry” (半夜的呼求) 带领和服事。

Acts Bekasi water baptised several new believers in the past 1 month! Pray for their spiritual growth and commitment to walk faithful with Jesus. Acts 贝加西在过去一个月里为好几位新信徒施洗了。祈祷每人经历属灵上的成长,继续委身并忠心跟随耶稣。

In conjunction with World Suicide Prevention Day, the Breathe Series presented “Stress-lah! Don’t Panik!” on 22 September 2021, where we unpacked the myth, reality, and misunderstandings from stress, especially in the lives of our young people today. Here are some snapshots! 藉世界预防自杀日,Breathe 系列在2021年9月22日为大家带来了一个在线访谈,名为 “Stress-lah! Don’t Panik!” (译: “很压力啊! 别慌!”) ,一起探讨人们尤其是年轻人所面对的种种压力而引发的迷思,现实和误解。这里是一些花絮照片!

“Join us every Tuesday at 1pm-2pm for The Hour of Prayer! We have heard so many testimonies of healing!!! 来参与每个星期二下午1点到2点的一小时祈祷时段!我们已经听见很多医治见证了!”

In conjunction with Malaysia Day, Dream Village Cricket Academy (DVCA) launched UPLIFT Breakfast Club, a monthly free breakfast program for underprivileged children to help them meet their daily nutritional requirements, perform well in their academics and sports. This program does not stop at provision alone, their progress is monitored and evaluated through various mediums and awareness towards healthy lifestyle is created. The goal of the program is to educate parents and children that nutritious food is affordable and sustainable. 籍马来西亚日, Dream Village Cricket Academy (板球学院) 展开了 UPLIFT Breakfast Club, 这是一个每月一次提供免费早赞给贫穷孩童的计划,以帮助他们补充每日的营养需求,好让他们在学业和体育里有良好的表现。这个计划并不限于提供食物,学生们的进展也将被关注,以帮助他们培养健康的习惯。该计划的目标是要帮助家长们和孩童们明白,营养丰富的食物并不昂贵,每人都可以保持健康的饮食习惯。

Our school, Victory Academy’s virtual Open Day Week was held on 18 and 25 September! Team prepared engaging activities for the children to help parents gain an insight on the curriculum, which aims to bring out the best in every child! For more information, email at info@victory.org.my or WhatsApp 019-2596052. 我们的学校 Victory Academy 于9月18日和25日举办了在线开放日周!团队为孩童预备了充满互动的活动,以帮助家长们了解我们的教学课程 – 全都专注于帮助孩子发挥自己最大的潜能! 欲知详情,敬请电邮至 info@victory.org.my 或 Whatsapp 019-2596052

iSurvived IPG Virtual Tour

September 2021 Our students knew about a new intake of students coming in, and used this tour as a platform to connect with them. 51 new students and 25 volunteers joined in to make this virtual tour a success!

2021年 iSurvived IPG 模拟游
我们的学生们得知有新生入学,因此使用这个平台来认识他们。 当天共有51位新学生和25位志工参与!成功!

We welcomed 28 New Partners at our Online Worship Service on 19 September! These partners completed the Partnership Classes and committed to be an Acts partner!   我们欢迎了28位 Acts 教会新伙伴!他们完成了伙伴课程也决定委身成为伙伴!

The men of Acts had a fruitful time together with Pastor Lazarus in September! Join in for the next one on 19 October, 8pm! Acts 男生们在九月份与 Lazarus 传道有个美好的学习时段! 敬请参与10月19日晚上8点举办的下一场哦!

We hope you enjoy watching the “Upclose and not too personal with The Pastors” videos! Here are some behind-the-scene photos. 希望您喜欢 “Upclose and not too personal with The Pastors” 视频!这里有一些花絮照片。

We’ve started the prayer group for Acts Kota Kemuning! If you’re interested to join, get in touch with us: missions@actschurch.org 我们已经开始了 Acts Kota Kemuning 祈祷小组!如果您想参与,敬请让我们知道,电邮至 missions@actschurch.org

In conjuction of International Week of the Deaf, we launched Acts Deaf Ministry! 籍世界聋人周,我们为 Acts 听障事工掀开了序幕!

iSurvived Cyberjaya

This is an iSurvived initiative to engage and welcome the new students in a few universities in and around Cyberjaya – MMU, Limkokwing, UOC, Mahsa, Heriot Watt, UniMy! 这项 iSurvived 活动宗旨在于欢迎刚来到赛城几所大学 (MMU, Limkokwing, UOC, Mahsa, Heriot Watt, UniMy!) 的新生们!

We had FLOW (Flocks Online Worship) on 26 September – Our small groups or what we call Homes are grouped into 15 flocks led by Shepherds according to John 10:16 says “And other sheep I have which are not of this fold, them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice, and there will be one flock and one shepherd. ” 我们在9月26日再次以群组 Flock 的方式进行在线敬拜。这15个群组是由我们的小组 Homes 组成的,由牧人带领,就好比约翰福音10:16所说道, “我还有别的羊,不在这羊圈里;我必须把牠们领来,牠们也要听我的声音,并且要合成一群,归于一个牧人。”

Catch this chat filled with trues stories on Acts’ IGTV, held in conjuction with World Heart Day.
邀请您来观看这个籍世界心脏日举办的 IGTV 访谈 – 聆听两位真实的故事。