28 April 2023   -  Acts Replay

Acts Replay (May 2023 Edition)

Good Friday

Acts gathered at 2 locations, i.e. DVCC (English) and The Peak (Mandarin, English & Sign Language), to remember what Jesus has done for us on the cross. It was a memorable night – God’s presence was so tangible, and there were powerful true stories from U-Turn 21-Day Prayer and Fast too. Many new friends joined in and a few precious souls decided to give their hearts to Jesus – all glory to God!

Acts 聚集于两个地点,即: DVCC (英语) 和 The Peak (中文,英语和手语),一起记念耶稣在十字架上为我们所成就的救赎。当晚非常难忘 – 神的同在何等地实在,我们也聆听了几个出自今年 U-Turn 21天禁食祈祷的真实故事。当晚也有很多新朋友参与,当中有好几位决定相信耶稣 – 所有荣耀归给神!

HeArts Festival

It was a fun Saturday celebrating the artistic and creative talents that God has blessed us with! It was a wonderful time of starting conversations with new friends too!


Easter (Resurrection Sunday)

Again, Acts gathered at 2 locations, i.e. DVCC and The Peak to celebrate the resurrection of Christ! The crowd was presented with an engaging cantata at DVCC, while at The Peak, the Mandarin and Deaf communities brought forth a touching performance drawing attention to the Cross. Praise God for the many new friends, as well as a few who decided to follow Jesus!

再一次, Acts 聚集于两个地点,即: DVCC 和 The Peak, 齐齐欢庆耶稣基督的复活!当天在 DVCC 有短剧表演,然后在 The Peak 则有由华语社群和听障社群带来的呈现,带领众人定睛于十字架。赞美神 – 当天有很多新朋友,还有几位朋友决志相信耶稣!

InTouch Church Camp
InTouch 教会营会

Pastor Kenneth was so privileged to be invited to minister at InTouch Church Camp! God’s presence moved across all age groups and drawing people back to Him!

Kenneth 牧师很荣幸受 InTouch 教会到他们的营会服事!神的同在大大地运行在各个年龄层的人群当中,吸引人心归向祂!

Acts Osaka
Acts 大阪

Acts Osaka celebrated the Easter weekend with BBQ at the park!
Acts 大阪在公园进行了一次的复活节烧烤会!

Staff breakfast

It was a good time of food, fellowship and faith – where the team of AYA and Acts met for monthly staff breakfast!
AYA 和 Acts 的全职人员一个月一次地集聚一堂,一起用饭,团契,建立信心!

Dream Teams

Leaders from the various ministries (affectionately known as Dream Teams) got together for a time of fellowship, alignment and inspiration, where the church-plant coordinators joined in too. Praise God for an amazing team!

来自各个事工 (我们称它们为 Dream Teams) 一起团契,分享和激励 – 植会领袖们也参与其中。我们为这个美好的团队赞美神!

Investing into youths

Pastor Kenneth was so blessed to be invited by CFCB (Christian Fellowship Centre of Brunei) to minister to the precious youths!

Kenneth 牧师受文莱的 CFCB (Christian Fellowship Centre of Brunei) 邀请到少年营服事珍贵的少年少女们,太棒了!

Acts Bekasi
Acts 勿加西

Wonderful things are happening through our pastors and churches in Indonesia – 2 new churches planted and many baptised! Hallelujah!

奇妙的事情在我们印尼的牧者和教会当中运行着 – 开创了两间教会和多人受洗!哈利路亚!

Acts Men Devotion
Acts 男生灵修夜

It was special and memorable time! Join in the upcoming Acts Men Sports Day Out on 20 May, to know more/ register, visit: www.bit.ly/ActsmenSportsDay

美好的一晚!来吧,来参与5月20日进行的 Acts 男生运动日,想报名或咨询,敬请点击: www.bit.ly/ActsmenSportsDay

Judah First worship night

Thank You Holy Spirit for all that You’ve done at Judah First! Your work was wonderful, deep and powerful – especially during the special anointing service for those 13 to 15 years of age!

感谢祢,圣灵 – 在犹大先当晚的工作!祢的运作何其美好,深入和有能力 – 尤其是当晚为13岁至15岁的少年少女们祈祷和恩膏的时段!

Japanese Fellowship

Japanese Fellowship came together to learn about ‘Worth’ together with some new friends. It was a great time of fellowship and getting to know our new friends.

日本人团契与新朋友聚集来学习 “价值“的意义。很棒!

Upcoming: Acts Germany
下一个: Acts 德国

This precious couple (Gerd and Doris), who have returned to Germany after being away for 13 years. We will surely miss them but we’re so grateful to God for the time that we’ve been blessed having them a part of the Acts Church family. They have a desire to plant a church back home within the year – let’s keep them in prayer!

经过了13年在海外的生活,这对宝贵的夫妇 (Gerd 与 Doris) 已经回到德国了。我们虽然想念他们,但是我们很感恩他两在我们教会的时间。他们有意今年在家乡开办教会 – 让我们在祷告中记念他们!

sMaLL groups training with Campus Team

We are training the team (consists of campus students and young working adults) who would like to start sMaLL groups to disciple and connect with more students!



Pastor Kenneth at the monthly Love Subang Pastors Fellowship – join us as we support the Love Subang Churches Combined Prayer Rally on 7 May.

Kenneth 牧师再次参与一个月一次的 Love Subang 牧者团契。邀请你,跟梳邦教会一起参与5月7日的联合祈祷会。

Sowing into leaders of the local church in Sarawak

It was an honour for Pastor Kenneth to minister at the BEM Bandar Bintulu’s leaders’ retreat!

Kenneth 牧师非常荣幸与感恩有机会到 BEM 民都鲁城市教会的领袖退修会服事!