28 February 2023   -  Acts Replay

Acts Replay (March 2023 Edition)

Age Group Leaders’ Overnighter

The Age Group Leaders gathered for an overnighter! There was also a session where the local Church Plant Coordinators joined in to further break down this year’s theme of “Heaven Rules”.
带领各个年龄层的领袖一起相聚!其中也有本地植会领袖来参与,一起更深入地了解今年的主题 “天国掌权”!

Staff Breakfast

Precious time together at the monthly AYA & Acts Staff Breakfast – fellowshipping over food, testimonies and prayer!

AYA 和 Acts 全职同工一个月一次的早餐聚 – 好宝贵的时间!一起用餐,分享见证和互相代祷!

Acts Karawaci
Acts 加拉瓦奇

Acts Karawaci celebrated her 9th anniversary! Greater days are ahead! Acts 加拉瓦奇欢庆九周年!未来的日子将更为美好!

Judah First – a night of prayer, praise and power – powered by Acts Youth Ministry
由 Acts 青少事工主推的 “犹大先”: 一场满载祈祷,赞美与大能的夜晚

266 people comprising all age groups showed up for a divine night of seeking and honouring the Lord! 


Acts Men Devotion

The amazing men of Acts Church gathered for a powerful time in God! Join in the next one on 21 March. 
Acts 教会超棒的男生们一起聚集,经历在神里超凡的时光!来参与下一次的聚集吧!三月21日。


A fruitful and encouraging LINetS meeting – this is our organisation dedicated to mental health and suicide prevention. 

又一次结果实满满,激励人心的 LINetS 会议,这是我们专注于精神健康和预防自杀的机构。

Youth making a difference

So proud of our youth who served at the Acts Youth Community Outreach! Teens and campus students came together with our adult volunteers to make a difference in the lives of the less fortunate. 4 teams were mobilised to meet 4 different needs – essentially young people reaching young people!

太为我们的青少年感到自豪了 – 我们的少年和大学生们 – 还有成人志工!他们透过 Acts 青少社区回馈活动,把正面的改变带给那些贫穷的社群!当天我们差派了四支团队到四个地点去服事!我们见证了年轻人帮助年轻人!


Another history-making evening with our very first meeting to discuss the setting up of a society dedicated to helping children with special needs and those who care for them. Stay tuned.


Acts Partners Conference 2023
2023年 Acts 伙伴特会

It was great to have most of our global church plant coordinators and leaders back at this conference. What a meaningful time of focusing on purpose, principles and practicality – so that the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14)!

看见我们几乎所有全球植会领袖和团队回来参与特会 – 太棒了!这是一个格外宝贵的时段,一起专注于神赐予我们的意向,原则和实践计划 – 好让全地都认识耶和华的荣耀,好像水充满海洋一般 (哈巴谷书2:14)!

Sending out Labourers

It was a significant moment commissioning labourers for the Lord – including two new pastors – Pr Daniel Chong (leading Acts Teens) and Pr Steven Soon (leading Acts Campus)!

当天是一次很重要的时刻 ,委任并差派主的工人们 – 包括两位新的传道 – Daniel Chong 传道 (带领 Acts Teens) 和 Steven Soon 孙施恩传道 (带领 Acts Campus)!

Acts Turns 23
Acts 二十三岁了

What a joyful and memorable Sunday celebrating God’s faithfulness in the past 23 years! Now let’s fix our eyes toward the finishing line!


Acts Global Church Planters Retreat
Acts 全球植会领袖退修会

The global church planters gathered for a short retreat, and the local church planters joined in for dinner on the first night too! Amazing time of communion!
