31 January 2024   -  Acts Replay

Acts Replay (February 2024 Edition)

Victory Academy (VA) Overcomers’ Retreat
Victory Academy (VA) 得胜者退修会

Buy-in, Bonding and Buzzing are just a few amazing things that happened at our recent VA Overcomers’ Retreat! God has done awesome things!


Reaching Youths

Acts Youth leaders gathered for am inspiring time of reflection and planning! God has been so, so good! Hand in hand, we shall reach more youths for God!

Acts 青少事工领袖们齐聚一堂,一起反思过去和策划未来!上帝实在太好了!心连心,手牵手,我们将为上帝造富更多年轻人!

S.A.L.T (Saturday Acts Leadership Training)
Acts 星期六领袖培训

Acts leaders had a very fruitful first combined SALT!

Acts 领袖们今年第一场联合培训!棒!

VA started the new year
VA 开学了

VA’s first day of school for the new year – welcoming the overcomers (teachers), new and existing students, as well as the parents!

VA 新学年开课第一天 – 一起欢迎得胜者们 (老师们),新旧学生们和家长们!

Acts Botswana turned 12
Acts 博茨瓦纳十二岁了

Pastors Sandra and Yvonne flew over to join our family in Botswana to celebrate our 12th anniversary!

Sandra 传道和 Yvonne 传道飞往博茨瓦纳与我们的家人们一起欢庆十二周年庆!

Reaching the world through media

Praise God for a very invigorating and inspiring meeting with Acts TV @ the ActsTV Day Out!

赞美上帝, 我们在 ActsTV Day out 与团队有个美好的策划时光!

VA Parents’ Meet-up
VA 家长会面日

It was truly a special moment meeting the parents – together, we shall invest into this school that God has entrusted to us! So much to be thankful to God for!

非常珍贵的家长见面日 – 让我们携手,一起建立上帝托付于我们的学校!太感恩了!

Acts Melbourne Water Baptism
Acts 墨尔本洗礼

We rejoice with Acts Melbourne for the two precious sisters who went through the water baptism! Cheering them on!

我们与 Acts 墨尔本一同欢庆 – 两位宝贵的姐妹受洗了!为她俩加油!

History-making Small Group Pioneers Conference

It was truly an anointed day meeting and imparting into the existing and future small group pioneers! It also marked the launch of the Small Group Pioneers Network (SGPN) to help fuel the Small Group Movement that will help fulfil Habakkuk 2:14 vision!

真的是恩膏满满的一天,来培育和建立现有和未来的小组先锋们!当天也标记了 Small Group Pioneers Network (SGPN) “小组先锋网络” 的诞生!宗旨在于推广小组运动,完成哈巴谷书2:14的异象!

Acts Mochudi Water Baptism
Acts 莫丘迪

We praise God for the precious ones taking the step of faith to be water baptised!


Acts Karawaci turned 10
Acts 加拉瓦奇十岁咯

Acts Myanmar turned 7
Acts 缅甸七岁咯