29 November 2022   -  Acts Replay

Acts Replay (December 2022 Edition)

Updates from Acts UK
Acts 英国的最新消息

Thank you for praying for Pastors Kenneth and Sandra’s trip to the UK. Praise God for a fruitful trip – they were in Acts Edinburgh to transition the team into a new leadership as Dr Rachel and the core team have moved on to work in other parts of England, and Dr Rachel has also returned to work in Malaysia. They had a very successful 7th anniversary celebration with 27 people joining the worship service with almost half of them being pre-believers and first-time visitors.

感谢大家为 Kenneth 牧师与 Sandra 传道的伦敦之行祈祷。也为这一次果实满满的旅程感谢神。他们在 Acts 爱丁堡为当地的团队进行领袖过渡,因为 Rachel 博士和核心团队的领袖已经搬迁到英国其它地区工作,而 Rachel 博士本身也已经回到马来西亚工作了。他们举行了一个非常成功的七周年庆典,当天有27人参与了敬拜聚会,当中有一半是未信徒和第一次拜访的朋友。

Acts Bristol

Acts Bristol also is growing and has welcomed a whole new batch of new students joining our worship service, and slowly rooting down. We celebrated their 9th anniversary with much anticipation and expectation for the new season.

Acts 布里斯托也在持续地增长中,同时也迎来了一批全新的新生参与我们的聚会,并且在新学期刚开始时慢慢地扎根下来。我们在对崭新的季节中的期盼中欢庆了他们的 9 周年庆。

Acts London

Acts London celebrated their 10th Anniversary and also welcomed a new batch of students enrolling for the new semester. It was a full house!

Acts 伦敦也欢庆了他们的 10 周年庆,同时也在这新学期引来了一批全新的新生来参与敬拜聚会 – 高朋满座!

Acts UK Getaway

The Acts UK Getaway was a blast with 89 campers with at least 5 salvations! There were also 4 candidates who went through water baptism too!

充满欢乐的 Acts UK Gateway 共有 89 人参与,有至少 5 人得着救恩! 同时也有 4 名弟兄姐妹接受了洗礼!

Legacy Building Project updates

Renovation at Legacy Global Training Centra has started! Pray for God’s wisdom, continued favour and strength to be upon the Project Team. For the latest updates, kindly visit: https://legacystudios.actschurch.org/

装修工程已经如火如荼地开始了! 祈祷神的智慧、恩宠和力量临到策划团队。 想知道最新的消息,敬请浏览: https://legacystudios.actschurch.org/

New local church-plant was birthed in Seri Kembangan

Acts Seri Kembangan telah dilancarkan pada 6hb November dengan sungguh meriah dengan seramai 31 orang menyertai kita untuk kebaktian pertama! Memang sungguh hebat kita dapat melancarkan sebuah kebaktian yang kita dapat memberi puji dan sembah dalam Bahasa Malaysia dan mendengar Firman Tuhan dalam Bahasa Malaysia juga! Acts Seri Kembangan dimulakan dengan sebuah fokus untuk menjangkaui pelajar-pelajar dari Universiti Putra Malaysia, IUKL (Infrastructure University of Kuala Lumpur) dan UNITEN (Universiti Tenaga Nasional).

Acts Seri Kembangan had an amazing start on 6 November with 31 people joining us! It was amazing to have a worship service where Bahasa worship songs were sung, and to hear the word of God in Bahasa too! Acts Seri Kembangan was started with the focus to reach out to 3 campuses surrounding it, which is Universiti Putra Malaysia, IUKL (Infrastructure University of Kuala Lumpur) and UNITEN (Universiti Tenaga Nasional).

感谢神,Acts 史里肯邦安于11月6日开办了!当天共有31人参与!能够以马来语歌曲来敬拜神,聆听马来语信息 – 太棒了!这个植会主要专注于临近的三个大学的学生们 – Universiti Putra Malaysia, IUKL (Infrastructure University of Kuala Lumpur) 和 UNITEN (Universiti Tenaga Nasional)。

New global church-plant was birthed in Mochudi

Acts Mochudi (Botswana) was birthed on 6 November! Praise God for 37 people who came – with 5 new visitors, 2 salvations, 1 rededication and 1 who received the gift of tongues!! What a powerful start! The earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea (Habakkuk 2:14)!

Acts 莫丘迪 (伯茨晚安) 于11月6日诞生了!赞美神 – 共有37人参与,当中有5位新朋友,1人决志相信耶,2人重新决定相信耶稣,1人领受讲方言恩赐!! 超凡的起点!认识耶和华之荣耀的知识,必充满全地,好象众水遮盖海洋一样 (哈巴谷书 2:14)!

Campus and university students gathered

We had an amazing Acts Campus Christmas Reunion, packing the hall with 183 people from different universities across the Klang Valley! It was a great time of reuniting with friends from different church plants, getting to know new ones and celebrating the reason for the Christmas season – Jesus!

Acts Campus 圣诞团圆好棒!当晚共有183位来自巴生谷各个大学的学生们来参与!当晚也是一个能与来自不同植会的朋友团聚的美好时光,一起欢庆耶稣!

Little Legends, our child care centre
Little Legends, 我们的育儿中心

On 12 November, Little Legends had its Annual Sports Day – where the children gave their best and received their medals for different games. Parents also got to develop teamwork with their children through the Parent-Child Games. The day concluded with lots of cheers and laughter!

Little Legends 于12月12日举办了年度运动会 – 孩子们尽全力并且在各项游戏中赢取了奖牌。家长们也透过亲子游戏环节中与孩子建立团队精神。当天在阵阵加油打气的欢呼声中圆满地结束了!

Acts Melbourne turned 10
Acts 墨尔本10岁了

Acts Melbourne celebrated her 10th anniversary at Flovie Cafe on 13 November with close to 50 partners and more than 10 first-timers to church! Beyond the scrumptious food & warm fellowship, it was great to hear testimonies of new ones being blessed by the Word shared in Acts Melbourne, finding a place to call ‘home’, aptly through the doors of Homes! Praise God for His faithfulness, & believing for greater fruitfulness in the years to come!

Acts 墨尔本与11月3日在 Flovie Cafe 欢庆10周年庆!当天有约50位伙伴和超过10位新朋友以爱来参与欢庆!除了美食佳肴和温暖友爱之外,多位刚在教会扎根的伙伴分享了自己在教会里如何受神的话语大大的祝福。同时,他们也分享自己如何在 Homes 找到归宿!赞美神 – 祂是信实的!让我们展望一起结更多的果实!

Victory Academy

Our school – Victory Academy celebrated the achievements and accomplishments of their students during the Awards and Graduation Night on 16 November. They were also proud to have graduated their Year 11 students, who completed their studies this year. Looking forward to 2023!

我们的学校 – Victory Academy 于11月6日举办了颁奖和毕业典礼,欢庆学生们的美好成就。当晚也是初中生们的毕业典礼。让我们一起展望2023年!

Acts Osaka started Sunday worship
Acts 大阪开始星期天敬拜聚会

11月20日にActs Osakaの初の日曜礼拝が開催された! 来てくれた14人と奉仕してくれたチームに神様に感謝している。

We launched Acts Osaka’s first Sunday Service on 20 November! Praise God for the 14 people who came, and for the team that stepped up to serve.

我们于11月20日为 Acts 大阪星期天敬拜聚会掀开了序幕!赞美神 – 当天共有14人参与,也感恩团队齐心服事。

Investing into relationship

Pastors Kenneth and Sandra had a precious time with the H1 & H1+ leaders from Issachar Epsilon & Sapphire Blue!

Kenneth 牧师和 Sandra 传道与来自以萨迦艾普塞朗和蓝宝石的 H1与H1+核心领袖一段宝贵的相聚时光!

Sharing Christmas cheer

Acts Teens gathered for a fun-filled Charistmas celebration, as well as packing the special shoeboxes containing gifts to bless the underprivileged kids.

Acts 少年少女有一个满载欢乐的圣诞庆典,同时也预备了特别鞋盒礼物,满载着礼物,即将送给贫穷的孩子们。

Acts Singapore updates
Acts 新加坡最新消息

Acts Singapore SPO Retreat was a fruitful one – moving forward!
Acts 新加坡 SPO 退修会太棒了 – 前进!

Elders lunch gethering

Praise God for a gathering filled with God’s promises and future!