CampusCity recently held a virtual concert called “Amplify” involving people from different hometowns and countries. This one-of-its-kind hybrid concert amplified God’s faithfulness through heartfelt songs & stories!
CampusCity 最近举办了一场名为 “Amplify” 的在线音乐会,它是由来自不同的家乡和国家的大学生们所用心筹备的。这一场非一般的音乐会透过动人心弦的歌曲和故事来歌颂神的信实!
ActsTV training weekend organised by Mordecai Retreats! Truly a fruitful and fun one!
由 Mordecai Retreats 为 ActsTV 所举办的培训会!超赞!
Pastor Kenneth finished the 4th and final instalment of the NEBC (Now Every Believer Can) school for Church Plant Coordinators and Emerging Church Plant Coordinators!
Kenneth 牧师完成了与目前和新晋的植会领袖们第四和最后一课的 NEBC (Now Every Believer Can, 音译: “现在每一位信徒都能”) 的培训课程!
Our Japanese Fellowship is meeting monthly for a fruitful time of fellowship and growing in faith!
Due to MCO in Malaysia, we have been back to 10am Combined Online Worship Service since 9 May! Here are some photos behind the scenes. Join us on Facebook & YouTube on every Sunday!
由于在马来西亚所施行的 MCO 行动管制令,我们从5月9日开始转为在线的早上10点联合敬拜聚会!这里是一些花絮。邀请您,在每一个星期天在 Facebook 和 YouTube 来参与我们!
More interviews for Four Generations book!
更多的 Four Generations (音译: “四代”) 一书的筹备访谈!
Close to 300 leaders gathered online for an inspiring time of training! We’re glad to hear of 7 salvations and 10 new Homes planted since January 2021!
约 300 位领袖在线聚集一起受培训!我们也感谢神,从2021年1月份开始至今,我们已经有七位朋友选择相信耶稣,也创办了十个 Homes!
Catch Pr Sandra chats with Ellie on the hot topic on BGR (Boy-Girl Relationship)!
来聆听 Sandra 传道和 Ellie 畅谈关于男女关系的热门话题!

Two of the teachers in Acts had a good conversation about investing into the lives of young people through their teaching profession!
Acts 的两位教师籍教师节来一场美好的对话,分享各自在教师的路程上投资于年轻下一代的心路历程!
The Hour of Prayer at Healing Hub has started on 16 May 2021!
During the MCO, we’ll be livestreaming on YouTube and Facebook – tune in and make your healing requests! When MCO is over, you may join us physicially in DVCC.
We have recorded at least 3 immediate healings thus far!
在 Healing Hub (医治中心) 的 The Hour of Prayer (祈祷的一小时) 已经从2021年5月16日开始了!
在 MCO 的时期,我们将在 YouTube 和 Facebook 这两个平台进行直播 – 邀请您来连线并跟我们分享您的祈祷需要!当 MCO 结束时,您可以亲身到 DVCC 来参与。
On 16 May 2021, we spoke with Puteri Nuraaina Balqis, the Founder & runner of www.instagram.com/savetheschoolsmy. This is a safe space for former and current victims of sexual harassment, abuse experience and rape culture in schools to speak up. This chat was done in support of the #MakeSchoolASaferPlace movement.
我们于2021年5月16日与 www.instagram.com/savetheschoolsmy 的创办人和推动人 Puteri Nuraaina Balqis 来一场访谈。这是一个为那些曾经或仍然在校园里面临性骚扰和性暴力的受害人所建立的安全空间, 让他们有一个出口,分享自己内心的伤痛和挣扎。这场对话是要为 #MakeSchoolASaferPlace 运动加油打气。
Hope you’ve enjoyed watching the special video from this month’s issue! Here are some behind-the-scene photos!
Acts Kota Damansara Prayer Group has started!
Join us to pray for the planting of Acts KD, every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. If you are interested, kindly contact Pr Alvin Keng or email info@actschurch.org
Acts Kota Damansara 的祈祷小组启动咯!
邀请您来参与,跟我们同心祈祷,寻求神的带领来开办全新的植会。小组将在每个月的第二和第四个星期三聚集祈祷。如果您想参与,敬请联络 Alvin Keng 传道或电邮: info@actschurch.org
Over 80 young working adults gathered online in May for real conversations and to learn practical tips to navigate through this stressful time of pandemic. You and your friends could still join in!
Topic: Address Your Stress
Time: 8pm
Dates: 7 June & 14 June
Celebrating the Borneoan culture together with our partners from that island!
The partners and workshop speakers of Revolution Conference 2021 gathered to prepare for the power-packed online conference happening in June!
2021年 Revolution 特会的伙伴和讲座讲员在线聚集,同心筹备在六月份火力引爆的在线特会!