Join us every Tuesday at 1pm-2pm for The Hour of Prayer! We have heard so many testimonies of healing!!!
Some behind the scenes photos of our Founding Senior Pastor, Pr Kenneth recording his message for one of the plenary sessions at Revoluction Conference 2021!
我们创办 主任牧师,Kenneth 牧师为 Revoluction Conference 2021 录制信息的幕后花絮!
The LINetS (Life Inspired Network Society) Board had a very informative and fruitful meeting sharing on the progress of mental health and suicide prevention. LINetS (Life Inspired Network Society)
The leaders of Acts gathered for an enriching time of training!
Acts 的领袖们一起在线培训!
The last instalment of this season’s After “Makan” Chat! Stay tuned for the next season!
After “Makan” Chat 的最后一集!敬请留守下一季!
Acts Singapore celebrated her 12th anniversary on 6 June, as well as commissioned the leaders. This year, we also commissoned John Lim as Lead Pastor (Acts Singapore), Michael Cai as Executive Pastor (Acts Singapore), and Paul Yong as Lead Pastor (Acts Iskandar)!
Acts 新加坡于6月6日欢庆12周年庆,并委任领袖。今年,我们委任了 John Lim 为主任传道 (Acts 新加坡), Michael Cai 为执行传道 (Acts 新加坡), 和 Paul Yong 为主任传道 (Acts 依斯干达)!
Revolution Conference: Online 2021 Praise God for 766 delegates from 15 Nations and 149 Cities – Australia, Botswana, Brunei, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mauritius, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Uganda, United Kingdom and Thailand. There were 86 workshops run by 52 Partners. Thank you, volunteers from Acts – who made it possible to bless the Church of God!
赞美神! 这个特会有766人报名参与,代表15个国家和149个城市 – 来自澳洲, 博茨瓦纳, 汶莱, 柬埔寨, 印度, 印尼, 马来西亚, 毛里求斯, 新加坡, 南非, 斯里兰卡, 台湾, 乌干达, 英国和泰国。一共有86个专题讲座, 由52个搭档伙伴举办。感谢,每一位 Acts 志工 – 是您让这个特会成功进行,造福神的教会!
Acts Men Devotion happens on every third Tuesday of the month, 8pm. Join in!
Acts 男生灵修夜是在每个月第三个星期二晚上8点进行。来参与吧!
Last round of interview for Four Generations book was completed! Pray with us as team is working on publishing the book by August/ September 2021!
新书 Four Generations (译:四代) 最后一场访谈完成咯!请为团队祈祷,目标是要在2021年8月或9月出版!
History-making meet up with the partners of the newly founded “Acts Kota Kemuning Area Fellowship” (AKKAF). Greater things to come!
创史性的 Acts Kota Kemuning 区域团契开始咯! 未来会更棒!
Just in case you’ve missed it – we did a surprise video to honour our spiritual father of the house – Pastor Kenneth!
如果您错过了 – 我们籍父亲节制作了一个特别惊喜的视频来感谢我们神家里的属灵父亲, Kenneth 牧师! 【点击观看该视频】

In conjunction with World Refugee Day 2021, Acts Community had an IGLive session on 20 June – “Embracing Refugees Amongst Us”. You may catch this talk on Acts Church Instagram.
籍2021年世界难民日, Acts Community 于 6月20日举办了名为 “Embracing Refugees Amongst Us” (译: 与我们当中的难民和睦共处) 的 IGLive 直播。您可以到 Acts Church 的账号重看该视频。
The Acts Young Family team had an online talk on “Intentional Fathering” with Bro. Lee Wee Min, founder of Focus on the Family Malaysia, in conjunction with Father’s Day. About 85 people joined and were blessed! To get a copy of the book by Lee Wee Min: https://family.org.my/store/parenting/dads/intentional-fathering-hardcover/
籍今年的父亲节,Acts 年轻家庭事工邀请了马来西亚 Focus on the Family 的创办人 Lee Wee Min 弟兄来举办一场在线的讲座,名为 “Intentional Fathering” (译: 用心为父)。大约有 85人参与并受益良多! 您也可以到此网址订购 Lee Wee Min 弟兄所撰写的书: https://family.org.my/store/parenting/dads/intentional-fathering-hardcover/
Acts Family’s Tea For Two: Keeping The Joy In Our Marriage and Family Acts 家庭事工 – Tea For Two: 保持我们婚姻和家庭中的喜乐 85 participants joined to hear the honest, fun and encouraging stories from the panel, cheering each other on in this hourney of marriage!
85 人聆听了一场由我们的讲员夫妇团所分享一些真诚,有趣并激励人心的故事!为彼此加油打气,建立美满的婚姻!
CampusCity recently had a recognition service, where we acknowledged our students who have stepped up to be a Dream Team Rep, Campus Rep for their campuses, as well as recognizing our small group facilitators and current campus reps for completing our newly developed Onboarding Program (a program to train, equip and empower our students to reach their generation)!
CampusCity 最近举办了一场在线聚会,为一群勇于兴起来事奉神的大学生加油打气 – 他们将担任不同事工和各自校园中的学生代表一职。当晚,我们也表扬了一群完成了全新培训课程的学员们 – 当中都是带领小组的代表。 这个全新的 “入职”课程 Onboarding Program 的宗旨在于培训,装备并差遣我们的学生们把福音传给自己的世代!
Over 60 participants tuned in to learn insights on the effectiveness and safety of the Covid-19 vaccination!

Acts Church is delighted to be part of the Malaysia United Firewall (MUFW) which is a collaboration of churches & prayer groups of all languages & denominations nationwide – for the revival of Malaysia!
Acts 教会很荣幸有机会参与 Malaysia United Firewall (MUFW) 与马来西亚各个宗派,各个语言的教会同心为马来西亚的复兴祈祷!
Pastors Kenneth and Sandra met up with their Huddle One and Huddle One Plus leaders – key leaders of Acts KL!
Kenneth 牧师和 Sandra 传道跟他们的 Huddle One 和 Huddle One Plus 领袖们会面 – 他们都是带领 Acts 吉隆坡的主要领袖!
There was a major pipe leakage at DVCC – team went in as soon as possible access the situation and clean up!
DVCC 水管大漏水 – 团队立马前往检测情况并进行清洁工作!