30 August 2021   -  Acts Replay

Acts Replay (August 2021 Edition)

Join us every Tuesday at 1pm-2pm for The Hour of Prayer! We have heard so many testimonies of healing!!! 来参与每个星期二下午1点到2点的一小时祈祷时段!我们已经听见很多医治见证了!

History-making evening launching our new Content Creation Team! Bringing together the best and most creative minds in our church for the benefit of all! 见证历史的一刻!我们开始了全新的内容创建 (Content Creation) 团队!我们集合了教会里最棒,最有创意的脑力来造就教会!

Acts leaders were so encouraged at SALT (Saturday Acts Leadership Training) to hear from our 3 Campus Pastors – Pr Nicoleen, Pr Yvonne and Pr John – about how our campus/ university students have been reaching out to those in need through this pandemic. We have seen 4 salvations and 13 rededications thus far during the lockdown! Acts 领袖们在最近的领袖培训中,听听我们三位带领大学生事工的传道 – Pr Nicoleen, Pr Yvonne 和 Pr John – 来分享我们的大学生们如何在疫情当中帮助那些有需要的人。 到目前为止,我们已经见证了四位学生决志相信耶稣,另外有十三位学生重新跟随耶稣!

We started on-site livestreaming on 8 August! With many sudden technical challenges that morning for our first on-site recording after many months… team marched ahead with a maximum of 12 people and found new potential with what was already there in our possession! Praise God! 我们从8月8日已经开始回到 DVCC 进行直播咯!尽管当天团队面临很多技术上的挑战,这支由十二人组成的团队勇敢面对并解决问题。 我们也看见神托付于我们的潜能!赞美神!

Pastors Kenneth and Sandra joined in the special hour of prayer led by Love Subang Pastors’ Fellowship at the Selangor Solemn Assembly, in partnership with Malaysia United Firewall (MUFW)! Kenneth 牧师和 Sandra 传道与 Love Subang 牧者团契一起参与由 Malaysia United Firewall (马来西亚团结火墙) 举办的 Selangor Solemn Assembly (雪州庄严集会)!

Acts joined in the NECF’s annual 40-Day Fast & Prayer to intercede for our nation! Join us for a time of worship and prayer daily at 9pm-9:30pm, 7 August – 15 September. Acts 积极参与马来西亚福联 NECF 年度为我们国家祷告的40天禁食和祈祷!来参与吧,每天晚上9点,30分钟 – 从8月7日至9月15日。

Acts anchored another prayer inititative, “The Midnight Cry”, held in conjuction with NECF’s 40-Day Fast & Prayer on 9 August, from 11pm to 1am. Join us for the next one, 10 September at 11pm.

8月9日,从晚上11点到临晨,Acts 在另一个相应 NECF 40天禁食和祈祷的祈祷活动 “The Mignight Cry” (半夜的呼求) 带领和服事。 来参与下一次的吧!9月10日,晚上11点。

Another session of Pastor Kenneth’s “Tumpang Tanya, Pastor” session with the key leaders – Huddle One and Huddle One Plus – to build the bonds by investing quality time. It was a very enriching one hour of conversation! Kenneth 牧师另一场与核心领袖们 (即: Huddle One and Huddle One Plus) 的 “Tumpang Tanya, Pastor” 时段 – 让彼此透过剖心的问答来建立深厚的情谊!

Pastors Kenneth and Sandra taught at YWAM Penang’s Leadership Foundations – School of Ministry Development on “Apostolic Leadership and Pioneering Principles” on 19-20 August. The school has 80 students spread across 17 nations and the classes are translated from English into Bahasa Malaysia, Mandarin, Nepali, Vietnamese, and Korean. The students are mainly from China, Nepal, Malaysia, and Vietnam the others are from 13 other nations across Asia, Europe, Africa, North America and the Pacific Islands. Praise God for this privilege to serve! Kenneth 牧师和 Sandra 传道在8月19日和20日,在槟城 YWAM 事工培训学校的领袖基础课程里,教导关于 ”使徒般的领袖和先锋原则“。 该学校共有来自17个国家的80名学生,该课程也从英语翻译成马来语,中文,尼泊尔语, 越南语和韩语。大部分的学生们来自中国,尼泊尔,马来西亚和越南,其他的学生则来自亚洲,欧洲,非洲,北美和太平洋岛屿的13个国家。我们感恩有机会服事他们!

Back by popular demand! “Tumpang Tanya, Pastor” is returning for another round! We’ve had so much positive feedback from this candid, ask-Pastors-anything session at Revolution Conference and we’re bringing it back on our Revo Discord server on a monthly basis! 万众爱戴的 “Tumpang Tanya, Pastor” 卷土重来咯!我们都非常喜欢在今年 Revolution 特会的这个环节,深受讲员们生动又真诚的分享。 因此团队决定在 Revo Discord 进行一个月一次的访谈!

Acts Kota Damansara team met with the Missions Board for some very exciting next steps! Stay tuned! Acts Kota Damansara 团队和宣教理事会共同策划下一步!敬请关注!

The men of Acts had a fruitful time together with Pastor Joel Vijay in August! Join in for the next one on 21 September, 8pm! Acts 男生们在八月份与 Joel Vijay 传道有个美好的学习时段! 敬请参与9月21日晚上8点举办的下一场哦!

Praise God for what He’s done for our church in Myanmar!! Firstly, He healed all who were down with Covid-19, including our pastor, who was already very weak with breathing difficulties at one stage. They could not access any medical facilities due to the current situation, and had no means for medication or supplements. So just seeing them alive in these photos is a miracle, let alone to see them turning this miracle around to become a miracle to others with food and medical supplies. 我们为神在我们缅甸的教会所成就的来赞美祂!首先,神医治了每一位感染新冠肺炎的伙伴们,包括我们当地的牧者,他当时呼吸很困难,身体很虚弱。由于该国家的情况,他们没有任何的医药帮助。因此,能从照片里看见他们的脸孔,就已经是一大奇迹!除此之外,他们还把自己身上所经历的奇迹化为造福他人的奇迹 – 为他人送上食物和医药。 Besides giving out care packs, it’s also good to see our micro-financing efforts work, especially for a lady, who is doing reasonably well after she received help to start her own business selling vegetables at the market, and is now even using her profits to give back to the community! 除了护理包,当地团队所实行的微型金融计划大大地援助了一位妇女。透过该计划,这名妇女收到一小笔资金,并善用它在市集中开了自己的蔬菜摊位。现在,她还用了一部分盈利回馈社会,造福他人!

We’re getting ready to start a German Fellowship for Acts Church with Gerd & Doris as facilitators. Do let them or the Missions Board know if you’re interested. Acts-citing days ahead! Moving forward! 我们正筹备为 Acts 教会开办德国人团契,由 Gerd 和 Doris 夫妇两带领。如果您有兴趣的话,请联络宣教理事会。敬请关注!我们一起前进!

APPS (Acts Pioneers Preparation School) took 29 potential leaders of Acts through the “12 Points of Leadership” beginning with some fundamental and foundational thoughts! Acts 先锋培育学校 (APPS) 带29位未来领袖来研读一些重要的基础课程 – “领袖的12个重点”!

Another session of Pastor Kenneth’s “Tumpang Tanya, Pastor” session with all Acts leaders – to build the bonds by investing quality time. Kenneth 牧师另一场与 Acts 领袖们的 “Tumpang Tanya, Pastor” 时段 – 让彼此透过剖心的问答来建立深厚的情谊!

Acts Global Bloom 2021!
2021年 Acts 全球 Bloom!

751 ladies signed up and had such an amazing time together at the plenary sessions and workshops! Here are some snapshots for you.

共有751位姐妹报名参与,一齐从主要信息和各个工作坊中学习良多! 这里有一些亮点照片。

The top leaders of Acts (H1 & H1+) met with Pastors Kenneth and Sandra for an enriching time of discipleship! Kenneth 牧师和 Sandra 传道在线培训 Acts 教会核心领袖 (H1 & H1+) 并且彼此鼓励!

We had FLOW (Flocks Online Worship) on 29 August – Our small groups or what we call Homes are grouped into 15 flocks led by Shepherds according to John 10:16 says “And other sheep I have which are not of this fold, them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice, and there will be one flock and one shepherd. “”

Join us for the next FLOW!

我们在8月29日再次以群组 Flock 的方式进行在线敬拜。这15个群组是由我们的小组 Homes 组成的,由牧人带领,就好比约翰福音10:16所说道, “我还有别的羊,不在这羊圈里;我必须把牠们领来,牠们也要听我的声音,并且要合成一群,归于一个牧人。”

邀请您,来参与我们下一次的 FLOW!

Check this talk out on Acts’ Instagram! 敬请到 Acts Instagram 回看该访谈!