28 July 2022   -  Acts Replay

Acts Replay (July 2022 Edition)

The Hour of Prayer on Tuesdays @ 1pm-2pm

Join us every Tuesday from 1pm-2pm for The Hour of Prayer! We have heard so many testimonies of healing!!! Meet the team behind The Hour of Prayer (THOP), who make a real difference in precious lives every Tuesday, by the grace of God!

来参与每个星期二下午1点到2点的一小时祈祷时段!我们已经听见很多医治见证了! 来认识策划祈祷时段的团队 – 靠着神的恩典把改变引进各个宝贵的生命当中!

Huddles Dinner with H1 and H1+
与H1 和 H1+ 领袖的晚餐聚

Such a joyous time to catch up with the key leaders from Zebulun Zeta & Diamond White


New church-plant: Acts Bandar Utama
崭新的植会: Acts 万达镇

Praise God for an amazing launch of our new church-plant on 3 July! Please continue to pray with us that we will be able to reach more within and around the Bandar Utama community!

赞美神, 我们在7月3日开办了全新的植会!请继续与我们祈祷,愿我们继续造福身边的社群!

AYA & Acts Staff Breakfast

The staff of AYA & Acts had a fruitful time of fellowship and an inspiring time of sharing!

AYA 和 Acts 的全职员工共享了一段美好的团契时间和激励人心的分享!

Making an impact in the marketplace

Kien Yiak and Rose were playing their roles as coaches to marketplace leaders through Mordecai Coaching and Leadership Solutions, our very own training and development arm – making an impact in the communities.

Kien Yiak 和 Rose 透过我们的培训和建立部门,Mordecai Coaching and Leadership Solutions 以扮演教练的角色培训职场领袖们,改变社群。

Next new church-plant in the pipeline

This team is looking at planting another church before the end of this year – a bilingual one (Bahasa and English) – targeting especially but not exclusively at reaching students! Stay tuned.

团队正在筹备要在今年栽种另一个植会 – 双语敬拜聚会 (马来语和英语) – 专注于大学生事工,但任何人都可以来参与!敬请关注。

Acts Pretoria, South Africa
南非 Acts 比勒陀利亚

Acts Pretoria met physically over a “mEAT and greet” session after a long time! God bless our family in South Africa!

Acts 比勒陀利亚时隔很久终于实体见面了,来了一场烧烤会!愿神大大祝福我们在南非的家庭!

Asian Youth Ambassadors (AYA) Volunteer Internship Programme (VIP) in partnership with Victory Academy
亚洲青年大使 (AYA) 携 Victory Academy 施行的实习与志工培训计划

Orientation for our first batch of Victory Academy students and their trainers kicked off the AYA Volunteer & Internship Programme (VIP) 15+ Category on 13 July, and the programme will continue for the next 6 weeks. Students will have the opportunity to experience industry attachments in Media and Video Production (Flatfish Media), Music Production (NewSong Music Asia), Childcare (Little Legends Childcare Centre), Retail and Merchandising (Revo Store) and many more.

我们首届的 AYA Volunteer & Internship Programme (VIP) 15+ 组 Victory Academy 学生和教练们于7月13日举办了迎新会,该活动将在接下来的6个星期继续进行。学生们将有机会在各个领域实习,当中包括了媒体和视频制作 (Flatfish Media), 音乐制作 (NewSong Music Asia), 幼儿培育 (Little Legends Childcare Centre), 零售 (Revo Store),等等。

Breakthrough at Acts Osaka Homes
Acts 大阪 Homes 的突破

It was a record-breaking July Homes with 14 people joining in! We also had new friends in our midst, and had a really wonderful time together.


Acts 大阪的 Homes 有突破性的人数,共有14人参与! 当中也有新朋友参与,非常棒的时刻!

Appreciation to DCP Dato Tan Chong Jin
感谢总指挥官 DCP 拿督陈忠仁总监

Truly a privilege to be invited to the Royal Malaysia Police College to spend some quality time with the Commandant, DCP Dato Tan Chong Jin, and to have the opportunity to honour him for his many years of faithful service to Malaysia and Malaysians alike, and especially to the Christian community.

被邀请到皇家警官训练学院与总指挥官 DCP 拿督陈忠仁总监促膝长谈,实在荣幸!感恩,我们有机会尊荣他在过去多年里为马来西亚和公民尽心尽力,尤其是基督徒社群。

Japanese Fellowship 日本人团契

It was a cozy fellowship at Japanese Fellowship as we drew lessons from Matthew 8:23-27, where Jesus calmed the storm. It was also a precious and powerful time to pray for each other’s needs.

我们的日本人团契一同研读马太福音 8:23-27,从耶稣平息风浪的事件里学习。弟兄姐妹也有机会为彼此的需要来祈祷。

New space: The Bridge
新的空间: The Bridge

Another history making day as we took possession of a new space that will be shared by Victory Academy and LINetS. Team spent some time in worship and prayer as we blessed the place and “dedicated” its use for God’s glory!

又另一个创史的一天,我们租下了另一个新场地,该地点将由 Victory Academy 和 LINetS 共同使用。团队一起敬拜和祈祷,同心被改地点 “奉献” 给神,让神使用,荣耀神!

The Heart of Education Is The Education of the Heart

Victory Academy’s Open Day on 23 July was buzzing with excitement! For more information, kindly email us at info@victory.org.my or check out https://victory.org.my/. 7

月23日的 Victory Academy 开放日热闹非凡! 欲咨询更多,敬请电邮我们: info@victory.org.my 或浏览https://victory.org.my/

Elders’ Dinner

Another fun and fruitful catch up over dinner. These days, since the Acts 8:4 decentralisation exercise that’s powered by the Habakkuk 2:14 vision of growing small to grow big, we’re Nehemiah 4:19 separated and don’t get to see each other as often as we used to. So it’s truly precious when we get the chance to Nehemiah 4:20 this intentionally.


Love Subang Pastors Fellowship Love Subang

Pastor Kenneth always tries his best to join the monthly Love Subang Pastors Fellowship, truly an honour and privilege to be with fellow servants of God! 一直以来,Kenneth 牧师都会尽可能参与每月一次的 Love Subang 牧者团契 – 能与神的仆人团聚和团契真是荣幸!

Huddles Retreat

Pastors Kenneth and Sandra spent time and invested into the H1 & H1+ leaders of Ephraim Ryo, Ephraim Sigma and Gad Kappa! Precious memories!

Kenneth 牧师和 Sandra 传道抽时间投资于来自以法莲柔,法莲西格玛和迦得卡帕的 H1 和 H1+ 领袖!宝贵的回忆!