30 July 2021   -  Acts Replay

Acts Replay (July 2021 Edition)

iSurvived.co (and iSurvived.my) has been re-purposed for a season at least, to help meet the urgent needs especially of campus students who have been adversely affected by the lockdowns. We’re also partnering with other organisations like LINetS to look into the mental health of these students and to do what we can to prevent suicides.

For now, the goal is simple:

  1. Food for the stomach (provision – survival kits)
  2. Hope for the heart (prophesy – speak life)
  3. Peace for the mind (prayer – spiritual support)

Our tagline for this campaign will simply be, “Food for the Stomach, Hope for the Soul”.
Check out www.isurvived.my or email: info@actschurch.org today for information and find out how you can contribute!

我们最近给予了 iSurvived.co (和 iSurvived.my) 一个全新的意向 – 即是要帮助那些受疫情和封城严重影响的大学生们。我们也与其他机构携手合作,如 LINetS 以协助学生们保持健康的精神状态和避免自杀事件。


  1. 肚子得饱足 (供应 – 生存救箱)
  2. 心灵得盼望 (说预言 – 富有生命的话语)
  3. 思想得平安 (祈祷 – 属灵支撑)

我们这个活动的标题是 “肚子得饱足,心灵的盼望”。
敬请浏览 www.isurvived.my 或电邮 info@actschurch.org 以参考更多资讯或看看自己能如何参与和贡献!

The leaders of Acts had such an amazingly inspiring and encouraging time together at the monthly SALT (Saturday Acts Leadership Training)!

Acts 教会领袖们于每月一次的星期六领袖培训日在线团聚,互相激励与鼓励!

Acts joined in the Malaysian churches in unity to pray for our nation and anchored the session on 15 July at 11pm-12am!

Acts 与马来西亚教会同心合意为国家祈祷,也有荣幸在7月15日晚上11点至临晨的时段来领敬拜和祷告!

Join us every Tuesday at 1pm-2pm for The Hour of Prayer! We have heard so many testimonies of healing!!!


Back by popular demand! “Tumpang Tanya, Pastor” is returning for another round! We’ve had so much positive feedback from this candid, ask-Pastors-anything session at Revolution Conference and we’re bringing it back on our Revo Discord server on a monthly basis!

万众爱戴的 “Tumpang Tanya, Pastor” 卷土重来咯!我们都非常喜欢在今年 Revolution 特会的这个环节,深受讲员们生动又真诚的分享。 因此团队决定在 Revo Discord 进行一个月一次的访谈!

At the recent Acts Teens Meet the Parents, Avis Ng – a licensed counsellor and Dean of Counselling at Bible College Malaysia (BCM) – spoke on cultivating emotional and mental resilience in families. Parents, stay tuned for the next value-adding session!

在最近的 Acts Teens 家长会,我们很荣幸邀请 Avis Ng (她是一位临床辅导员,也是马来西亚圣经学院辅导系的院长) 来分享如何在家庭中建立一个情绪和精神坚韧的环境。家长们,敬请留守下一次让您受益良多的讲座哦!

A total of RM 33,092.80 was raised for our refugee support initiative! Thank you for your generous contribution, Acts partners!

我们为难民援助计划筹募了总共马币 33,092.80! Acts 伙伴们,我们由衷地感谢您慷慨的捐助!

Pastor Kenneth (Founding Senior Pastor) was so privileged to be invited to join in the panel for “Pastor vs Pandemic” forum organised by EPCC to encourage close to 290 pastors!

Kenneth 牧师 (创办主任牧师) 非常荣幸被 EPCC 邀请参与一场在线的讲座,主题为 “Pastor vs Pandemic” (译: 牧师对比疫情)。该讲座鼓励了约290位牧者!

Pastor Kenneth started “Tumpang Tanya, Pastor” session with the key leaders – Huddle One and Huddle One Plus – to build the bonds by investing quality time. It was a very enriching one hour of conversation!

Kenneth 牧师开办了与核心领袖们 (即: Huddle One and Huddle One Plus) 的 “Tumpang Tanya, Pastor” 时段 – 让彼此透过剖心的问答来建立深厚的情谊!

And here’s the young working adults version of “Tumpang Tanya, Pastor”!

这是为年轻上班族而预备的 “Tumpang Tanya, Pastor”!

The men of Acts had a fruitful time together with Pastor Dave in July!
Join in for the next one on 17 August, 8pm!

Acts 男生们在七月份与 Dave 传道有个美好的学习时段!

Preparation for Acts Kota Damansara is well under way, one of the fruits being the launch of the first KD Homes in June, KD1. The Holy Spirit is truly at work – newcomers have been joining and they’ve been experiencing breakthroughs!

为 Acts Kota Damansara 的筹备正如火如荼地进行着,其中一个成果就是在六月份开办了第一个 KD Homes, KD1。圣灵的大大地运行 – 有新朋友参与,团队也经历了很多突破!

We had our very first FLOW (Flocks Online Worship) on 25 July – Our small groups or what we
call Homes are grouped into flocks led by Shepherds as per the verse John 10:16 says “And other
sheep I have which are not of this fold, them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice, and there
will be one flock and one shepherd.

There are 15 flocks in our church and of total of 873 that came for FLOW – we had 20 new friends that joined us and 1 salvation! All glory to God!

Join us for the next FLOW on 29 August!

我们在7月25日第一次以群组 Flock 的方式进行在线敬拜。群组是由我们的小组 Homes 组成的,由牧人带领,就好比约翰福音10:16所说道, “我还有别的羊,不在这羊圈里;我必须把牠们领来,牠们也要听我的声音,并且要合成一群,归于一个牧人。”

在我们的教会里,目前共有15个群组,累计总人数为873人参与 FLOW – 当天也有20位新朋友参与,还有1位朋友决志信主。一切荣耀归给神!

邀请您,来参与我们下一次的 FLOW – 8月29日!

A few of our Japanese students were preparing for their exams… but the Japanese Fellowship continues for the few who were able to make it ❤️ Join us for the next one!

有好几位日本学生正于考试期间不能参与… 但我们的日本人团契仍为其余能参与的弟兄姐妹如期举办 ❤️ 邀请您来参与下一次聚会!

Acts Global Bloom 2021!
2021年 Acts 全球 Bloom!

Pastor Kenneth continues to join in the monthly Love Subang Pastors Fellowship!

Kenneth 牧师继续参与 Love Subang Pastors Fellowship (爱梳邦牧者团契)!

The Breathe Series presents “Finding Hope in the Pandemic” where we ask the question on “How are the suicide cases and prevention efforts during the MCO? What can we do to help? What can we do to get help if we need it? And how can I find hope in this pandemic?”

Check out the talkshow today!

Breathe (译: 呼吸) 系列为您带来 “Finding Hope in the Pandemic” (在疫情中寻找希望),一起探讨各种疑问:“在 MCO 期间的自杀案件情况如何?有哪些活动能帮助人们保持身心健康,避免走上自杀的路途?我们又能怎样伸出援手?如果身边有人需要帮忙,我们应该怎么做?我能如何在这个疫情当中找到希望呢?”
