01 February 2023   -  Uncategorised

Acts e-Newsletter (February 2023 Issue)


Acts turns 23 this February!

God has been so good and faithful to us!

Started with 3 people in the year 2000, by God’s grace, Acts has grown to over 3,000 to date across 38 churches in 10 nations – with a clear mission to “make disciples that will make the difference”.

Let’s continue to grow and partner together in this house so that the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea! (Habakkuk 2:14)

Here’s a video for you – be blessed!

(Click to watch now)

Turning 23 | Celebrating God's Goodness & Faithfulness In Acts


Acts Partners’ Conference: 23-25 February

Calling all existing and potential Church Planters and sMaLL Group Pioneers to be trained and equipped so that you may be fruitful and multiply – to fulfill Habakkuk 2:14 “…that the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.”

Sign Up Here

Acts’ 23rd Anniversary Sunday: 26 February

Come celebrate together with us as we remember God’s faithfulness in the past 23 years and together, we shall look forward to pursuing His calling upon us!

Anniversary Gift: 26 February

As we celebrate God’s faithfulness to Acts for the past 23 years, let’s not forget to prepare our hearts in prayer and be ready to bring a heartfelt gift to God in faith and gratitude. Let your Anniversary Gift bless others in the future even as the Anniversary Gifts of the past have blessed you.

Need more information?

Leave us a note!
Click here to see the happenings at Acts for the past one month in a glance

The Hour of Prayer Testimonies

Tune in with us at The Hour of Prayer
1:00pm to 2:00pm, every Tuesday!

Tune in via Youtube
Tune in via Facebook

We would love to hear from you!
Share your story or feedback with us.

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