01 October 2021   -  Acts e-Newsletter

Acts 电子简报 (2021年10月版)


我们在神家里的属灵父母, Kenneth 牧师和 Sandra 传道在九月份欢庆了他俩的二十六结婚周年庆!让我们一起看看这个生动有趣的访谈,来更加认识他俩。我们把这个访谈分成十一个短视频,让您更容易消化哦!

Upclose but not too personal with The Pastors - Intro: “How does your morning with God look like?”
Upclose but not too personal with The Pastors - Q2: “What’s your all-time favourite by Pr Sandra?”
Upclose but not too personal with The Pastors - Q3: “Which look makes it to the top of your books?”
Upclose but not too personal with The Pastors - Q4: “What’s last movie you watched together?”
Upclose but not too personal with The Pastors - Q5: “Which character of the Bible...”

敬请留意即将在 Acts 和 Kenneth 牧师的社交平台上架的第六至十一题的访谈!

actschurch’, ‘Kenneth Chin

藉世界预防自杀日,Breathe 系列在2021年9月22日为大家带来了一个在线访谈,名为 “Stress-lah! Don’t Panik!” (译: “很压力啊! 别慌!”) ,一起探讨人们尤其是年轻人所面对的种种压力而引发的迷思,现实和误解。

点击看看过去一个月里在 Acts 的亮点

Acts 用心制作了这个即窝心又激励人心的视频,一起欢庆2021年马来西亚日!

Who We Are As Malaysians (Selamat Hari Malaysia 2021)



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