29 March 2023   -  Acts Replay

Acts Replay (April 2023 Edition)

Acts KK Planted 2nd Worship Service
Acts KK 种植第二场敬拜聚会

After one year of planting Acts Kota Kemuning, on 5 March – we started the second worship service with new timings: 8:15am and 10:45am! Greater days to come!

Acts Kota Kemuning 自开办一年后,我们在3月5日开始了第二场敬拜聚会! 全新的时间: 早上8点15分和10点45分!美好的日子在前头!

The Theology of Leadership

Pastor Kenneth conducted this 4-part course to teach and impart God’s way of leadership! Close to 90 students joined in from Malaysia and abroad – both physically at the Legacy Studios and online! “Leadership is another level of servanthood.”

Kenneth 牧师在这个4堂课的课程中教导和分享圣经里对于领导的正确观念!约90位从马来西亚和海外的学生在现场和在线上参与! “领导是另一个层面的仆人心志。”

Acts Teens

Acts Teens sMaLL Groups have started in various locations, investing into our precious teens! For more information, kindly email: info@actschurch.org

Acts Teens 少年小组已经在各个地点开始咯!一起培育我们宝贵的少年少女们!欲知详情,敬请电邮: info@actschurch.org

Huddles Retreat

It’s the final Huddles Retreat – what a meaningful time together!

这个时期里最后的培训小组退修会 – 意义非凡!

Acts YWA

Our dynamic young working adults (a.k.a “YWA”) gathered for lunch hangout and Frisbee clinic! Stay tuned for the next ones, and joined in!

我们朝气蓬勃的年轻上班族 (即: “YWA”) 团聚一堂午餐聚并且飞盘训练!敬请关注下一次的聚会,邀请你来参与哦!

U-Turn 21 days Prayer & Fast

We launched our annual U-Turn 21-day Prayer and Fast at the prayer services on 14 March – day 1 started on 18 March! You can still join in, and we will break fast together on Good Friday (7 April). For more details and devotionals, kindly visit: www.actschurch.org/uturn

我们的在3月14日的祈祷聚会中为年度 U-Turn 21天祈祷与禁食掀开序幕, 3月18日正式开始!你仍然可以马上参与哦,我们将一起在耶稣受难节4月7日一起结束。欲知更多详情与资料,请浏览: www.actschurch.org/uturn

Acts Men

It was a privilege for Acts Men to glean from an amazing follower of Christ, Dato Tan Chong Jin – many were ministered and inspired by his true stories! Mark your date and join in on 18 April.

Acts 男生们太荣幸了,有机会跟基督的跟从者,拿督 Tan Chong Jin 学习 – 很多人受益不浅,也被他的真实故事打动和激励!记下日期,来参与下一次于 4月18日的聚集。

Making the difference

LINetS recently conducted a Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Training entitled “Together, We Can Make A Difference” at the International Medical College (IMC), sponsored by the Subang Jaya ADUN. This is part of LINetS’ mission to make Subang Jaya a suicide safer community. Nearly 50 students participated in this practical and engaging training. At the end of the training, many students expressed that they were more aware and confident with regards to suicide prevention. And some students who were struggling with suicidal behaviour found hope too. All glory to God for every life inspired and impacted!

LINetS 最近在国际医护学院 (International Medical College, IMC) 举办了一场名为 “Together, We Can Make A Difference” (译: 我们能够一起带来改变) 的预防自杀守护人培训。这是一项由梳邦再也州议员赞助的活动,也是配合 LINetS 要让梳邦再也社群变得更安全 (降低自杀率)的使命。近50名学生参加了当天的培训。 在培训之后,多名学员表示自己对预防自杀更了解,因此也更有信心帮助他人了。当中也有一些在这方面有所挣扎的学生们从当天的培训中找到一丝盼望。 我们为每一个受启发和受改变的生命,把所有荣耀归给神!

U-Turn Extended Prayer

Taking prayer and fast to another level – from 9pm to midnight! God’s presence was so tangible and wonderful!

更深入地祈祷和禁食 – 从晚上9点一直到半夜12点!神的同在太真实,太奇妙了!

Dream Cup – Celebrating Dreams and Communities
Dream Cup – 欢庆梦想与社群

Dream Village Football Academy (DVFA) recently hosted the 7th edition of Dream Cup #DC23! It was a fun-filled 2 weeks seeing the amazing talents from various communities in this yearly grassroot tournament. A total of 125 kids from the various marginalized communities were sponsored by DVFA to join in. This was made possible with the invaluable partnership from First11, YMCA KL, Subang New Vet, Kelab Kebajikan Marathon Marathandavar, Segar Soccer Academy and Putra Heights FC!

Dream Village Football Academy (DVFA) 最近主办了第七届的 Dream Cup #DC23! 这一场源自草根长达两个星期的赛事让我们见证了来自各个社群的美好才能。DVFA 赞助了共 125 名来自贫困社群的孩童们参加比赛。我们感谢各方的鼎力支持 – First11, YMCA KL, Subang New Vet, Kelab Kebajikan Marathon Marathandavar, Segar Soccer Academy 和 Putra Heights FC!

Kingdom Partnership

Pastor Kenneth had the privilege to speak at an interdenominational leadership course – a.k.a AICC – initiated by Dr. Ooi Chin Aik! Note: Asian Institute of Contemporary Christianity (AICC) – Diploma of Evangelism Leadership.

Kenneth 牧师很荣幸受邀到 Ooi Chin Aik 博士开办的一个多元宗派的领导课程 (即: AICC)中讲课!

Acts Youths go for short missions outreaches
Acts 青少出去短宣

63 people (consisting of 13 teens, 21 campus students, 18 young working adults and 10 adults) were sent out to 6 locations – orphanages, refugee schools, Orang Asli areas, urban poor communities. Blessed to be a blessing!

共有63人 (13名少年,21名大学生,18名年轻上班族和10名成人) 被差遣到6个地点服事 – 其中有孤儿院,难民学校,原住民地区,城市贫困社群。我们蒙福好让我们能造福他人!

Kingdom Fellowship

Pastor Kenneth joined the monthly Love Subang Pastors Fellowship – precious time spent with the Kingdom counterparts!

Kenneth 牧师参加每个月的 Love Subang Pastors Fellowship (牧者团契) – 跟神国度里的同工们宝贵的相聚时光!