Huddles Dinner with H1 and H1+
与H1 和 H1+ 领袖的晚餐聚
Such a joyous time to catch up with the key leaders from Simeon Beta, Topaz Gold and Jasper Yellow!
Raising teenagers
Acts Teens Camp 2022 saw 108 teens (57 new) and 22 decisions for Jesus! The Lord moved powerfully and many teens dedicated their lives to follow and serve Him. Many wonderful memories and friendships were built, and we’re looking forward to what the Lord would do next amongst our young people!
2022年 Acts 少年营会有108少男少女参与,当中有57位新朋友,有22人决志相信耶稣!主在其中大大地运行,多位少年再次把自己的生命摆上,选择跟随和事奉耶稣。营友共创了许多美好的回忆与友谊,我们期待主即将在我们年轻人当中多成就的美事!
Combined Leadership Training
The leaders gathered at the combined SALT (Saturday Acts Leadership Training) and had a fun time of training with Acts Kids team!
领袖们在联合领袖培训日团聚一堂,一同跟 Acts Kids 团队学习!
Acts SJ 1030 Worship’s Communi-Tea
It was a fruitful time to draw closer to each other in the house of God!
Month AYA & Acts Staff Breakfast
Monthly AYA & Acts Staff Breakfast – good time of catching… we also got to celebrate Pastor Kenneth’s birthday!
AYA & Acts 每月一次的早餐聚 – 让大家有机会联系,我们也有机会与 Kenneth 牧师欢庆生日!
New book signing
It was a good time of connecting at the book signing sessions! Thank you for your support! May you experience breakthrughs in God as you practise the checklist in the book!
SIB Life Church
Thank you for praying for Pastor Kenneth – it was a fruitful time of ministry at SIB Life Church!
谢谢大家为 Kenneth 牧师祈祷 – 神大大地服事 SIB Life Church!
Acts Osaka Homes
Acts 大阪 Homes
What a great time at our September Homes! We broke into pairs to pray for each other’s needs, and even most of the pre-believers who came tried praying for the first time. The spirit of generosity is rising up too, as different ones contributed in different ways, and we ended up having 5 types of dessert to share with each other!
9月份的 Homes 太棒了!我们分两人一组为彼此的需要祈祷,大部分还没有信主的朋友也首次尝试祈祷。人心也渐渐慷慨起来,各人有各自的贡献,当晚也共有五道甜点让我们品尝!
Moving forward
Our first and fruitful official briefing with the Finance Board, laying out for every local church plant what Phase One of our new financial SOPs for decentralisation looks like!
Prayer services at various locations
History-making night where we decentralised prayer services at various locations! Sis Ah Leng received healing for both her knees tonight! She walked into Acts Kota Kemuning prayer service with great difficulty and pain. We laid hands and prayed for her… and the pain left her! Praise God!
创史的一晚!我们在各个地点进行祈祷聚会! Ah Leng 姐妹的双膝在今晚得着医治了!她艰辛地拖着疼痛的双膝来到 Acts Kota Kemuning 的祈祷聚会,我们为她按手祈祷… 然后膝盖不痛了!赞美神!
Acts Men Devotion
Acts 男生灵修夜
Hundreds of men gathered at the monthly Acts Men Devotion representing generations – made possible because our top leadership are actively involved and in full support of our men’s ministry! Here’s a photo of the top leadership who attended – including almost all our Elders, pastors and church plant coordinators. Greater days ahead!
每个月都有越百名来自不同年龄层的弟兄来参与 Acts 男生灵修夜 – 这可以实现,全是因为我们主要的核心领袖都积极支持我们的男生事工!这里有一张照片,里面有核心领袖们 – 几乎包括所有的长老,传道和植会协调员。未来无限光明!
Ministering at FGAKL
What a precious reunion and powerful Holy Spirit moment at the church, where Pastor Kenneth’s foundations were laid. Thank You God for all that you’ve done in the hearts and minds of the FGA family… and all the awesome and amazing things You have in store for this blessed church in the coming days!
赞美神 – 当天在该教会多么宝贵的团圆,还有圣灵超凡的工作。该教会也是我们 Kenneth 牧师打好属灵基础的教会。感谢神在 FGA 弟兄姐妹们的心思意念中所做的事情…还有即将在这个蒙福的教会里所成就的美事!
Japanese Fellowship (JF)
It was a good time fellowshipping and we made Sarawak Laksa for JF. Some new friends returned and we had 3 newcomers.
Unity among Churches
Pastor Kenneth joined the Love Subang Pastors’ monthly gathering, and got to hear a brief introduction of a new organisation/ ministry too!
Kenneth 牧师参与每月一次的 Love Subang 牧者团契,也有机会聆听一个全新机构/事工的分享!