Acts Teens P.A.R.T.Y
110 people packed the very first Acts Teens P.A.R.T.Y (Preaching About Revival Through Youth) at Legacy Studios! 4 precious teens responded to salvation call – praise God!
共有110人参与在 Legacy Studios 所举办首次的 Acts Teens P.A.R.T.Y (Preaching About Revival Through Youth)!当晚有四位宝贵的少年回应救恩呼召 – 赞美上帝!
New church plant: Acts Brickfields
全新植会:Acts 十五碑
Acts Deaf Community took a bold step to plant Acts Brickfields on 7 April! Let’s keep this new church plant in prayer!
Acts 听障社群已踏出勇敢的一大步,于四月七日开办了 Acts 十五碑!让我们继续为团队祈祷和加油!
Acts Campus Conference
Acts 大学生特会
Acts Campus Conference was simply supernatural! Let’s cheer our students on as they launch out to pioneer small groups as well as to impact their universities!
Acts 大学生特会实在超凡!让我们继续为大学生们加油打气,鼓励他们刚强壮胆出在大学中创建小组,改变世界!
Taylor’s Chapel Midweek Service (powered by Taylor’s Uni & Acts Campus)
泰莱大学周日敬拜聚会 Chapel (由泰莱大学和 Acts 大学生事工举办)
Calling every student at Taylor’s University! Join us every Thursday, 6-7pm at Syopz Mall for this brand new midweek service at Taylor’s Chapel!
呼叫所有泰莱大学生!来参与这个全新的敬拜聚会,地点是 Syopz Mall,傍晚六点至七点!
Victory Academy Sports Day
Victory Academy 运动会
21 April was a history-making day for VA – new venue for sports day, new sports introduced, alumni were engaged to come back to support, parents running F&B booths to raise funds for library! So good!
四月二十一日是我们学校 VA 缔造历史的一天!运动会在全新的地点举办,校友的参与,家长们也积极为图书馆的需要筹款!太棒啦!
iSurvived Subang
Praise God for a successful iSurvived Subang for Taylor’s University new students! We’re blessed to get to know these new students and help them get familiarised with Subang Jaya!
赞美上帝 – 为泰莱大学的新生们所举办的 iSurvived Subang 棒棒哒!我们很荣幸结交新朋友并帮助他们尽快熟悉梳邦这个新环境!
Campuscity Cafe
Campuscity Cafe continued at Acts SJ10:30am worship – join us for the next one!
Acts SJ10:30am 植会为大学们举办的 Campuscity Cafe 好棒哦!来参与下一场吧!
New Partners Welcome Tea
We welcomed 57 new partners on 22 April! Let’s build God’s house together!
Acts Botswana
Acts 博茨瓦纳
Pastor Kenneth and Kuan Cheen joined our Acts Botswana family over the weekend for a supernatural and meaningful time!
Kenneth 牧师和冠君有幸前往非洲与 Acts 博茨瓦纳大家庭一起共度美好又超凡的时刻!